Legacy Russell: URL IRL
Legacy Russell
09.05.18 — 13:00
Bâtiment H
How do artists play a key role in advancing, investigating, challenging body politic via the digital? What role does online space play in building community—and catalysing movements? Are we alone at night on the Internet? Writer, artist, and cultural producer Legacy Russell explores the material of the Internet, its role within creative production, and, via extension, the role the Internet (and the artists activating it) plays in creatively resisting. This talk will journey through Russell’s online/offline curatorial, academic, and artistic practice, with a particular focus on Glitch Feminism, of which she is a founding theorist. Glitch Feminism is a cultural manifesto and movement that aims to use the digital as a means of resisting the hegemony of the corporeal. Russell’s talk will also travel through ongoing discussions of race, gender, power, agency, and activism within contemporary meme and cultural milieu, using her recent creative projects and ongoing research as example and illustration.
– Legacy Russell, writer, artist and cultural producer (legacyrussell.com)
Conference language: English

Credits: Legacy Russell